Monday, February 15, 2010

No Pain No Gain

I finally understand the saying..No Pain NO Gain! My body is in pain everywhere. When I walk, I hurt. When I laugh, my stomach hurts. When I blow dry my hair, my arms hurt. I know that all this discomfort is a good thing, but I wish there was a way around the pain. Of course, I could just take a something for the pain, but that isn't the healthy way to go. So I am just going to "cowboy up" and deal with the pain. It has been two weeks since I first started working out. I can't believe how fast time is going by. I would have thought that I would be losing more, but I keep being told "muscle weighs more than fat" so hopefully I am gaining muscle mass.
I worked out today, and I got the courage to try some new machines. However, I did not go back to the machine that landed me on my fat butt. It's feels good not to be so intimidated by the machines or the gym itself. But I am still very nervous about meeting with a personal trainer. I just don't know if I could handle someone/ a stranger witnessing all my imperfections. I am soooo out of shape, and I am embarrased that I get out of breath so quickly. I guess I will just keep doing what I'm doing and maybe by March I will work with a trainer.
I'm wondering if anyone is even reading this Blog? I feel silly that I am blogging to myself. But at least I can say, I will have this whole journey documented so I can remember my beginning days of wellness and fitness!


jgarlini said...

Water, water, water Chrisy. Drink lots.
Don't be intimidated by a personal's what they do! Plus they keep you motivated and get you to push yourself a bit more. They also show you new things to do. Everyone has to start somewhere. Keep it up!

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