Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Day Off

I am so happy that there are a few of you reading this! Thanks friends for your support. The reason I asked is because Garrod has been giving me a hard time about me starting a Blog. He asked some good questions, "who is reading it" and "why am I writing it"?. Now, I have answers! I am writing this blog because I am a person that needs accountability and this daily journaling is a excellent way to track my progress and be accountable. Also, I was able to use this blog to raise awareness and money for Lily Stehr, and motivate someone(like me) to get off their butts and start working out.
Today, I am starting a new fitness plan. I am taking a day off from Gold's!! Now, I know I should do some exercise today, but I really have NO ENERGY at all. I think I will make myself go for a walk with Big Daddy and stretch. But that's it! All I want to do is curl up with my heating pad, put my rice pack on my shoulders, get under my favorite blanket, and fall asleep with my little's.
I need to wake up, snap out of it! So I'm off to get the walk over with. Wish me luck that I make it back up 8th street. I am wondering if anyone has a good recipe I could use while doing the challenge. I need to warn you, I don't like rice or onions!


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