Sunday, February 7, 2010

Weight Training

I can't believe how good I am feel about joining the GG Challenge! It has been a very interesting week beginning this new chapter of my life. Gold's Gym is a wonderful place to get my butt into shape! Especially, when there is barely anyone around! I was able to learn five new machines today, thanks to Tracy! However, I still feel like a complete jack ass using them. Besides that I feel like I have a huge neon blinking sign over my head that reads, "I don't know what I'm doing here!". I know in time these insecurities will go away. As for now, I feel like a cave man going into a grocery store for the first time. You don't know exactly where to start!
Okay, as you might have noticed I have some ISSUES to work through, but now I am focusing on the good! I am proud to say that I am changing my diet drastically! I have eaten like a teenager for years. My old diet was a sandwich on white bread, 2 small bags of chips (Doritos or Cheetos)package of Reece's Peanut butter cups and a Snickers bar, a 20oz Vanilla Latte, and in an hour, I would go eat more crap. Like a big yummy bowl of cocoa puffs with a BIG mug of cocoa. I never really ate much at all during the day because I work with kiddos and they are sometimes really gross with where their fingers are going but their hands forget to go to the sink! I would lose my appetite, but when I'm home and my little's are sleeping I would pig out from hours 7 to midnight! That explains why my body fat is so high!
The only reason that I didn't snack very much this week is I made myself go bed early, with a little help from Tylenol PM. Today starts a new bedtime routine, no sleep aid assistance only lots of exercise during the day,(that should make me tired) hot bubble bath, and sleepy time tea. If that doesn't work then maybe I will have to love extra on my hubby. LOL! Can't wait to see what next week brings! I am so happy that I have friends(I think someone is reading this) to share this new change in my life with!


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