Friday, February 12, 2010

Skylur's Tip of the Week

Hi, this is Skylur!
I am going to give ya tips for the next 10 weeks-during my mom's GG challenge. Hey did you know that there is a really,really good exercise equipment for an awesome price? Well if you didn't know this it is Drum roll please,...... JUMP ROPE!!! Jump ropes are in the top ten of great(and cheap) exercise equipment. Well they first help you loose weight, they are easy to use,they help your cardio-system, and they come in different colors!!!

Do you know that carrots are very healthy,Well no daaa! But I bet ya you that they aren't just orange! (I won the bet didn't I) They come in white,red,yellow, or even purple. They taste really good with celery with peanut butter on it,(on the celery of course).
Well that's all folks!! Write to ya next week!


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