Friday, March 12, 2010

Sticking to It

Well, today was weigh in day! I was happy with myself for getting to the gym by 6:30am! I never thought in a million years that I would get up super early, while it was still dark, it was raining, and go work out. However, when I got there I was happy to see Connor, Latashia, and the girls! It gave me motivation to go on the machines and burn more of my fat. I am still not losing the pounds like I thought I was, but I did get on the scale that tells me how much fat I'm losing. Thanks goodness I have lost some of my chubby fat weight, and I am turning it to muscle. I am going to the gym tomorrow sometime. Does anybody want to meet me down there and teach me some new machines, tips, tricks, anything to get me to go:)


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